I Didn’t Write any New Year Goals for 2023

Every December, I dedicate some time to writing out my goals for the new year. I think about all areas of my life and write down exactly what I would like to happen but I didn’t do that this year. Here’s why:

I don’t want to plan my life away

I am such a planner with everything all the time. I want to try to leave room for things that might naturally happen without a plan being in the way. Being so goal-oriented and serious all the time leaves zero room for spontaneity and fun.

I’m leaving space to give myself grace

In the spirit of not being hard on myself, I want to leave room for error. Not everything will go according to plan and with goals set that can be frustrating at times.

I want to focus more on the smaller achievements

I want to focus more on the smaller achievements that can be made to lead up to the big ones. When you have one big overall goal any positive step toward that is a win.

What are you guys focusing more on this year? Let me know in the comments!


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