Green Flags are a Good Thing

Everyone always has a list of red flags to watch out for when it comes to dating, but what about green flags? Green flags are positive things you should want within your relationship and are based on mutual respect. We need to recognize what healthy relationships look like so we can start gravitating toward people who display these qualities from the beginning.

Let’s talk about some green flags that you should pay attention to when it comes to dating:

You can express and discuss your emotions

It is a comfortable environment for you to discuss your feelings without any tension or arguments. Listening to understand rather than respond is important in this case.

They are still able to respect you even when they are upset

This is pretty self-explanatory. Talking down, belittling, name-calling, and foul language should be unacceptable, even if they are bitter.

You can rely on them to come through for you

They are constantly showing up for you when they can and even without you having to ask.

Their actions match their words

Anything they say they are going to do gets done! (Even if it takes them a while) If they value you, it will show through their actions.

They respect your boundaries

Whatever that looks like for you, they heard it the first time and will be sure to be mindful of that.

They can celebrate and support you

It’s not always about them, and you can have your moment to shine. Celebrating you should be a joy, not a burden.

They always display good character

They are still kind and respectful to everyone, regardless of their social status, and not only to people they find attractive.

They aren’t afraid to discuss what the future holds

(This is more so for established relationships, not dating) Including you in major life decisions means that you are a priority in their life, and they see you in it for the long haul! Anyone that is dodgy or hasn’t thought about this means they don’t appreciate you or they aren’t planning to stick around.

Remember that green flags are only green when it’s consistent, not when it’s only done in the beginning, then it fizzles out.

What are some things that you would add to my list? Let me know in the comments!


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